LoveLeigh World Adventures is a homeschool, worldschool, and unschool network, which includes a blog, podcast, and private social media platform. 

Our primary goals are to connect new home/world/unschooling families to resources and inspire families of all backgrounds and nationalities to travel the world. 

Our founder and CEO, Mia Rucker, is a world-schooling mom who travels full-time with her children, the LoveLeigh Twins. She writes a weekly blog post about their experiences and does a biweekly podcast  featuring the LoveLeigh Twins. The twins give their perspective on their travel experiences and discuss what they’re learning. 

Our  private social media platform is a place for families to connect with one another, as well as find resources and support for homeschooling, traveling, budgeting, and many other areas of interest. There is an area for members to post their recommendations for visiting specific locations, which allows other members to ask specific questions about these destinations. Members of our network are also the first to know about new merchandise releases and all of our members receive a 10% discount on all merchandise.

 LoveLeigh World Adventure Academy is our nonprofit organization. As Mia travels with the twins, they volunteer at various children’s organizations in each location they visit. After volunteering, they leave a love offering for each organization. Mia is a firm believer in giving back to the communities they have the opportunity to enjoy and learn from.