
Moving Abroad: Moving Day

After three and a half months of planning, the day finally came to actually move to the Yucatan. I was both excited and nervous. I had never set foot on Mexican soil before in my life, but there I was, moving to Mexico. Other than the snippets I had seen on YouTube, I had no idea what to expect. I was officially stepping out on faith and totally depending on God to catch me. I…
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Moving Abroad: The Process

As soon as I decided to leave the United States, I began to work diligently on getting out of there. Less than four months after making the decision, I was gone. I know that sounds virtually impossible, but I did it. Anything is possible when you are tired of your current situation and determined to change it. I was determined to get a life of total freedom; and I was willing to throw everything I…
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Moving Abroad: The Decision

When I gave birth to the twins, I knew that I didn’t want to put them in traditional school. I originally planned to hire a private teacher because I wanted them to be on target with the national academic standards. However, after doing extensive research on the benefits of homeschooling and the different types of homeschooling, I decided that I wanted to unschool them.

Who is Mama Mia?

Who is Mama Mia? Whew Chile, I struggle with this question often. I’m still in the process of figuring out who I am, but I will tell y’all what I know so far… I think the best way to define myself is as an experienced mother. If mothering was a job, I would be considered a professional. I have been a mother since I was sixteen years old, almost twenty-eight years. I have given birth…
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